The Social Intelligence Database provides a well
of information for interactive research. It includes over
200 creative strategies to prevent, halt and heal violence.
The database includes a wide variety of programs
and techniques. What they have in common is a ‘transformative’
approach that treats people with respect and deals with the
roots of violence.
How to use this database. Search using side menu bar. Look anywhere or choose
an area which interests you. For example if you wonder how
Media can be used to transform violence, click on Media to
read about a variety of projects in different parts of the
Or use the Advanced search
page to find initiatives about the topics that interest you.
Inclusion or non-inclusion of a program
or organization in our database does not imply any endorsement
or judgment about the quality of the work. The Database offers
a sampling of initiatives and is by no means exhaustive.
Transforming Violence welcomes suggestions with
regard to possible additions to the site. Tell
us about other creative approaches to transforming violence.